Thursday 5 June 2008

Kate Walsh - Walsh Throws Support Behind Obama

Actress KATE WALSH is ecstatic U.S. politician BARACK OBAMA has won the Democratic presidential nomination - because she is convinced he will make a great leader.

On Tuesday (3Jun08) Obama was named the Democrat party's candidate for the presidency, ahead of his opponent Hillary Clinton, at the November (08) elections.

And the Grey's Anatomy star couldn't be happier the 46-year-old is one step closer to the White House.

She says, "I think this is a great movement in American history.

"The American people want a change in their government and Barack Obama is the best person to lead and serve and bring about the real changes people want. I am thrilled."

If Obama, U.S. Senator for Illinois, is the first black candidate to lead a major party into a campaign for the presidency.

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